Our list is updated frequently, check back to see Gene's growing base of support!
2020 Endorsements
Republican Party of Orange County
Lincoln Club of Orange County
Orange County Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee
Orange County Business Council
Orange County Pro-Family Candidate Campaign Committee
*Election for Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee (District 55)
Elected & Appointed Officials
Honorable Ling Ling Chang, California State Senator, 29th District
Honorable Phillip Chen, California State Assemblyman, 55th District
Honorable Don Wagner, Orange County Supervisor, 3rd District
Honorable Beth Haney, Mayor, City of Yorba Linda
Honorable Tara Campbell, Council Member, City of Yorba Linda
Honorable Peggy Huang, Council Member, City of Yorba Linda
Honorable Carlos Rodriguez, Council Member, City of Yorba Linda
Honorable Ward Smith, Mayor, City of Placentia